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Why join the League?

When you join the League of Women Voters of Women Voters of Greater Joplin Area (LWV of GJA) you also become a member of LWV United States and LWV Missouri. You also join thousands of other like-minded individuals working in their community to create access to election information and safeguard voter rights. 

How do I join?

You can join the LWV of GJA by filling out our application form. You can download the form and email it to us, or send it with your dues.


Right now we are unable to process online membership payments, so please send your check or cash to:


League of Women Voters of Greater Joplin Area

P.O. Box 4701

Joplin, MO 64803

I want to join, but I can't afford it.

We understand and are committed to removing barriers to access and participation. That's why we are able to offer both Student Membership ($30/year) and Honor Membership (low or no-cost) rates. 

If you are interested in an Honor Membership, please fill out the membership application and email it to us at with a note stating your interest. 

Your Local League in Action

© 2023 by League of Women Voters of Greater Joplin Area. Proudly created with

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